Thursday, February 14, 2008


The views of the writer are not always portrayed through the characters. Shows like South Park that make fun of literally everything simply cannot be the views of the writers expressed through the characters. Chances are some of the staff is jewish, the show quite frequently makes fun of jews being cheap and having really bad hair. If the writers seriously felt this way it would create quite a mess in the studio. It is possible outside of south park some of the character's aspects are a reflection of how the writer feels. In fact many of the stereotypes come straight from the writer's mind.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


In our postmodern world, it is often discussed what art actually is. Many times people see postmodern art and say," that's not art, I can do that." The skill of the artist does not determine the quality of the art. Art is no longer just pictures of scenes, it has now become about the experience the artist geos through. It isn't about the result, it is about the process. It is true that postmodern art is easier to replicate than traditional art. The meaning and intention behind the art is what makes it impossible to replicate. The corporate art producers think they determine what art is, but in reality art is all up to the individual. What we take away from the art is what's important. If I feel that a piece represents the problems we face day to day then it ought to mean that.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


The disorder in Travelling by Simon J. Ortiz is celebrated through the main character's blissfull ignorant reliving of memoeries. Ortiz writes, "He writes their names on a letter pad, hurries to another source, asks the librarian for another book but it is out and he looks hurt and then he rushes back to the globe." This shows disorder because once his goal of finding the book is crushed he forgets about it. The book meant something to him but it only took him a few seconds to forget about it. Furthermore despite whatever relation he has to these places he is looking at, there is obvious signifigance to them. However Ortiz never lets on to what that relationship might be. The only textual evidence we have is, "A man has been in the VAH library all day long." the VAH is a veteran's hospital so the only conclusion we can draw is that he had either once been to some of these places in war. the lack of knowledge given to the reader about the history of the man is perfect disorder.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I feel that thebreakdown of words and meaning lie in an inadequate understanding of reality. But I don't like the word inadequate, I feel taht there really is no way to better describe reality. The fact of the matter is that our language is based on a circle that in order to understand any of it you must understand all of it. As demostrated in Toast the snowman says, "What is flour? we'll skip that part too". In order for one to actually understand what toast is one's mind has to backtrack through a huge web of ideas that all come together to support toast. At the same time toast helps support a whole host of ideas itself possibly things like, breakfast, cooking, etc. Thus why you must inderstand the whole circle in order to understand any of it.